Kerbal Space Program 1 8 1

Go To Donwload Game Details Release name: Kerbal Space Program v Disk graph 2 1 15 percent. + DLC Xpack repack Size: 1.47 GB Title: Kerbal Space Program Room to Maneuver Genre: Indie, Simulation Developer: Squad Publisher: Private Division Website: click here Steam: click here Release Date: 27. 1.8-1.10 Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' v1.3 Sign in to follow this. Best Kerbal Space Program mods Price Last Updated; 96. Kerbal Engineer Redux-Oct 4, 2020: 91. Environmental Visual Enhancements-Sep 11, 2020-Hot Rockets-Oct 8, 2020. If you enjoyed the video, punch that LIKE button in the FACE! Subscribe for more great content: Share with your friends.
1.8 Official release |
Released | 10/16/2019 |
Steam | Steam Community |
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⇐ 1.71.9 ⇒ |
Version 1.8, named Moar Boosters!!!, is a major update that released on October 16, 2019.[1] An update for the Making History and Breaking Ground expansions were released alongside this major release.

- Upgrade KSP to Unity 2019.2.2f1 version.
- Standalone Windows build now uses DX11 Graphics API. Many visual improvements to shaders and FX.
- Implement Unity Incremental Garbage Collection.
- Implement new celestial body shaders and textures for Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike, Eve, Gilly.
- Update Main Menu Mun terrain shader.
- Add Terrain Shader Quality graphics setting.
- Improve the TrackingStation load time.
- Implement ability to edit Action Groups in flight.
- Performance improvements to the VAB/SPH scenes.
- Performance improvements in the flight scene.
- Performance improvements in the Tracking Station scene.
- Add ability to edit resource values in PAWs using the key input.
- Add Warp to node button on dV readout in NavBall display.
- Add enable/disable wheel motor Actions to all wheels.
- Add ability to limit the maximum size of PAWs via settings.cfg.
- Improve the Action Groups/Sets UI.
- Add PAW_PREFERRED_HEIGHT to settings.cfg for players to set a prefered max height.
- Made staging and docking UI available in map view
- Pinned labels in map view now persist pinned even when leaving and re-entering map view
- 'Delete All' functionality for messages app has been implemented.
- Improve the KSC grass and asphalt texture and shader to reduce tilling.
- Improve textures for the VAB building on level one.
- Model revamp for the level one and level two Research and Development nissen huts.
- Increased precision for eccentricity in advanced orbit info display.
- Upgrade VPP and improve wheel and landing leg function.
- Expose global kerbal EVA Physics material via setting.
- Add do not show again option to re-runnable science experiments.
- Add actions for same vessel interactions functionality.
- Implement per-frame damage threshold on destructible buildings.
- Add vessel name title to flag PAWs.
- Add a confirm dialog with the option of “Don’t display again” when a kerbal removes a science experiment data.
- Disable Pixelperfect on UI Canvases to improve performance - available to configure via settings.cfg.
- Increase precision for numerical editing of maneuver nodes.
- Kerbal position on ladders and command pods improved.
- Add ability for users to add their own loading screen pictures to the game.
- Fix incorrect naming of The Sun.
- Fix Action Sets text in VAB/SPH for some languages.
- Fix Text in dV KSPedia pages in Japanese.
- Fix Chinese Localizations.
- Fix dV readout for Chinese language.
New Parts:
- S2-33 'Clydesdale' Solid Fuel Booster.
- S2-17 'Thoroughbred' Solid Fuel Booster.
- F3S0 'Shrimp' Solid Fuel Booster.
- FM1 'Mite' Solid Fuel Booster.
- Protective Rocket Nosecone Mk5A ('Black and White' and 'Gray and Orange').
- Add rock/dirt debris FX to the Drill-O-Matic and Drill-O-Matic Junior.
Multi dock 1 1 5 0. Updated Parts (reskinned):
Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1 Mods
- Service Bay (1.25m).
- Service Bay (2.5m).
Color Variants:
- Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7 (New 'Orange' color variant)
- Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk12A (New 'Orange' color variant)
- #bringbackthesandcastle - Fix the Mun sandcastle easter egg from not appearing.
- Fix Maneuver editor so that the mouse wheel adjusts the node now in the contrary direction (same behavior as dragging down/up).
- Fix a null reference error when player threw away a vessel with fuel flow overlay turned on in the editor.
- Fix an input lock when switching between Editing the vessel and the Action groups menu.
- Fix user created vessels disappearing from the vessel spawn dialog.
- Fix the random selection of Mun vs Orbit scene when returning to Main Menu.
- Fix input field rounding on Maneuver Node editor fields.
- Fix a Null reference in the Editor when selecting a part and opening the Action Part Menu.
- Fix pressing Enter key confirms the game quick save dialog.
- Fix PAWs will now scale downwards from the header keeping more consistency on the fields.
- Fix an input lock issue where some PAW buttons disappeared when editing a numeric slider field.
- Fix Menu Navigation was missing in the quicksave dialog.
- Fix Mini Settings had some items that would be skipped when navigating with the arrow keys.
- Fix for remove from symmetry causing NRE in flight scene.
- Fix the FL-A10 collider no longer mismatching its geometry.
- Fix Control Surface and Aero Toggle Deploy Action not working in all situations.
- Joysticks and gamepads on Linux are again recognized and usable.
- Fix Action Groups UI and Color issues.
- Fix the LV-T30 Reliant Liquid Fuel Engine ´s bottom attach node.
- Fix a texture seam on the Probodobodyne Stayputnik.
- Fix a z-fighting issue on the destroyed VAB at level 3.
- Fix the Z-4K Rechargeable Battery Bank ´s bottom attach node.
- Fix the concrete tiling texture of the SPH at level 3.
- Fix a grass texture seam in front of the VAB at level 3.
- Fix missing texture and animation on the level one Administration Building flag.
- Smoothened Kerbal IVA expression transitions to avoid strange twitching.
- Make the LV-TX87 Bobcat exhaust FX more appropriate.
- Fix kerbal portraits when launching vessel with multiple kerbals in external command chairs.
- Fix drills operating when not in contact with the ground.
- Fix thrust center on the Mainsale engine.
- Add bulkhead profile to LV-T91 Cheetah, LV-TX87 Bobcat, RK-7 Kodiak and RE-I12 Skiff.
- Fix re-rooting of surface attach nodes.
- Fix kerbal IVA expression animations transitions.
- Fix shadows at KSC and in flight.
- Fix 'sinker' warning during game load
- Fix super long Map Transition when lots of vessels in the save
- Fix overlap in vessel type information window.
- Fix a Null Reference when copying parts with alternative colours.
- Fix an error where the custom crafts were not loaded in the Load Craft dialog after navigating the tabs.
- Fix a null reference when clicking the Remove Symmetry button on some parts.
- Motorized wheels no longer keep generating torque even when the motor is set to ‘Disabled’
- Re-centered an off center scrollbar in the mini settings dialog.
- Rebalance decoupler, MK1-3, MK1 lander can, MK2 lander can, separators costs, crash tolerances, weight.
- Target framework now .NET 4.x.
- DXT3 DDS formatted textures are not supported by Unity or KSP any more. You must convert to DXT5.
- Added UIPartActionWindow.UpdateWindowHeight to allow mods to dynamically set the PAW max height
- MapviewCanvasUtil.GetNodeCanvasContainer created as more performant method than MapViewCanvasUtil.ResetNodeCanvasContainer. Use the rest one only when you need to force a scale reset
- ModuleResourceAutoShiftState added that can be used for startup/restart of parts based on resource availability.
- VesselValues are now cached per frame. Can use ResetValueCache() to reset the cache.
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Ksp 1.8.1
Official release |
Beta |
Alpha |
Demo |
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Kerbal Space Program 1 8 1
Created at 2020-12-20 08:35
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